Thursday, September 26, 2013

Review: Seduced in the Dark by C.J. Roberts


I've been staring at this review screen for ten minutes with just the word "wow" at the top. I don't really know what to say in this...and that's gotta be a first.

This book was 10x the amount of screwed up than the first, but I don't want you think it was bad(obviously I gave it 5 stars, so I know DUH!) The roller coaster that I just went through to get to the end of this book was sometimes more than I could handle. I felt her pain, his pain just everybody's pain throughout the whole thing to the point where you just want to reach in and either hug someone when their crying or slug them when they are doing something you ate.

To make my point flat.... you just FEEL in this story.

You feel for everyone and it doesn't stop, not once, to let you take a deep breathe.

That's amazing....

I am not even sure if this review is even coherent because my head is spinning having just finished it, like :looks at watch: 30 minutes ago. Liv for me grew so much in this story, she became even stronger and I didn't even think that was possible after book 1.

Is Caleb redeemed? Maybe, you can judge for yourself because I am still having a hard time with what he did regardless of what ended up happening.

This book is just awesome, and I encourage you to pick this series up if you can handle the kind of subject it covers.-My Opinion-Buy it!

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