Thursday, September 26, 2013

Review: Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare

 Clockwork Prince (The Infernal Devices, #2)

Poor Will :(

I feel like I'm being toyed with in this one. How can I pick between Jem and Will for Tessa???? It's just not fair! I felt horribly for Will when we found out his secret wasn't the truth and he spent his whole life thinking that. I know that is a terrible and vague sentence but I don't want to give anything away because it is what the entire romance plot point feeds off of the entire story.

I loved seeing more and more Shadowhunters and Downworlders come into play in Clockwork Prince as well. It really is my favorite part of this entire world, the races. The Lightwood family is thoroughly intriguing and I really hope Gideon is going to stay around because I think he makes a great fit with the rest at the institute. Of course, the surprise are really what made this installment shine for me. I never would have guessed half the stuff that went on and THAT ENDING! WHAT?!?!?! Oh man, I have to stop myself before I give it all away!

I will say this, however, the one thing that bothered me was the lack of a villain throughout the whole book til the very end. Yes, we know we have to find Mortmain but he is never in this one. We spent 500 pages worth of story talking about him and not seeing him or interacting with him. That let me down a bit, but not enough to say it wasn't AWESOME!! -My Opinion-Buy it!

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